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Between Toys and YouTube

As can be seen from the impressions above, the gift of toys given by parents to them should not only make them happy to play. Getting a toy is fun because it is a gift that instinctively makes people feel happy. However, it's a shame that only one side was touched by the gift of the toy. This is challenging and interesting for children and parents, what other side is it? maybe that's the question that arises.

The other question can be in the form of how far the toy is able to explore the abilities of our children? Do they know what they are playing? Are they able to explain the toy? and so forth. When our children are able to answer or show the answer to these questions, it is not impossible that toys are not only fun but also educate them.

Nowadays, social media is not only a means to socialize or communicate with other people, other parties, or other communities. Social media can play a role as a means of forging and enhancing the ability of every person who is a user. For example, YouTube is a place for users to upload and download videos related to their interests. This YouTube media can also be directed to children to practice their abilities, for example, self-confidence and demonstration abilities.

First is self-confidence. This should not be taken lightly because it is not uncommon for children to also find difficulties in arousing their confidence. Though these internal factors play a role in improving children's abilities and developing their potential. When confidence is not formed, it is possible that there will be problems for various other aspects. By asking children to make videos about themselves, their toys, how they explain how to use their toys, and others. Activities like this will forge confidence and mature that confidence. When there are other events where the momentum of self-confidence is tested, there is no need to worry anymore or start from zero again when children are accustomed to various pressures in the event or activity.

Next is the demonstration ability. Lately, the term demonstration is something that is not interesting to discuss as events are associated with street activities, protests, driving off roads, and others. In fact, a demonstration can also be interpreted as a demonstration or performance on how to do or do something. When our children get a toy present, they are then asked to demonstrate the toy and wish to be uploaded to YouTube. This activity will certainly forge an ability which is a skill that is needed by children, namely the ability to demonstrate. That way, there is no need to prepare special meetings, special courses, or even special schools to practice children's demonstration skills. By asking them to demonstrate the gift of toys that were given, let alone recorded into video and uploaded to YouTube is not only a memory but even an inspiration for others.

Thus, don't just look at toy gifts as something to please children. Use the strengths of the toys to train and shape the strengths of our children. Mix with social media so it doesn't just become a memorable video, but inspires many people to reward the best learning. It may be useful!


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